Can more than one user access my LEED exam preparation materials?

According to our Terms of Service, our products are for intended for individual use only. If more than one user wants to use the exam prep materials, a separate order needs to be placed.

PayPal – How to Pay Online?

How will I pay online for purchasing the LEED study materials? What is PayPal?

Once you have made the guides into your shopping cart, you can go by clicking the ‘purchase’ button. It will take you to the Paypal payment gateway as seen in the ‘example screenshot’ below. PayPal has become a widely accepted method of payment both online and off without any security risk. You can make an online payment, whether or not you have got a PayPal account. If you don’t have an existing Paypal account, go-to option (2) for paying with debit/credit cards as seen in the image below. If you do not own a Paypal account, the system may directly take you there. Once you paid with Paypal, you will be given a confirmation message for payment and get the link for an instant download of the study guides which you purchased.

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Note: In some cases, it will ask you to create an account as seen below if you don’t have an existing Paypal account. Just click it and then pay using your credit or debit card:

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I don’t have any previous experience with Green Building concepts. Can I pass the LEED GA or LEED AP exam with your LEED study guides?

Our study tools are designed to make our students pass their LEED Green Associate and the LEED AP BD+C exams on their first-try no matter if they have previous LEED experience or not.

When can I access my study guides after my online payment?

If you have also purchased a study guide, your pdf book(s) will be e-mailed to you the same time.

You can access your online products from your account right after you’ve made purchase. Simply click on “My Account” from the top menu and your online products (courses, practice tests, study sheets, and more) will appear on your dashboard. If you are not logged in, click on “Login” from the top menu and enter your email and password, and you will be redirected to your dashboard.


How long I will have access to my account so that I can download the LEED study materials from my account?

The LEED Green Associate and the LEED AP BD+C complete exam prep, courses, and practice tests can be downloaded from your account for 180 days starting from the date of your purchase.

I forgot my password. What should I do?

If you can’t remember your password, you can reset it using your email address on your greenstudyguides.com account. Click on “Login” from the top menu. Click on the “forgot your password?” link. You will be asked to enter the email address you use for your account. Once you enter your email, you will receive a password reset email. Click on the URL provided in the email and create a new password.

What are the eligibility requirements to take LEED AP BD+C exam?

All candidates must hold a LEED Green Associate credential in order to take the LEED AP BD+C exam.

The LEED AP BD+C exam can also be taken in one sitting combined with the LEED Green Associate exam. However, in this case, the exam will take four hours. Therefore, we strongly recommend candidates to take the LEED Green Associate exam in one day and take the LEED AP BD+C exam on the next day.

How can I access my study LEED Study Materials, Flash Cards or Study Sheets?

You can access your online products right after you’ve made purchase. Simply click on “My Account” from the top menu and your online products (courses, practice tests, study sheets, and more) will appear on your dashboard. If you are not logged in, click on “Login” from the top menu and enter your email and password, and you will be redirected to your dashboard.


Can I access my LEED study materials through more than one device?

Yes. You can access your exam prep materials online on any device (such as computers, mobile, or tablet) that is connected to the internet by simply logging into your account. To login to your account, click on “Login” from the top menu and enter your email and password, and you will be redirected to your dashboard.

(2) LEED Green Associate and LEED AP BD+C RELATED FAQ

What is LEED?

LEADERSHIP in ENERGY and ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN, in short LEED®, is a system developed by USGBC to certify high-performance buildings and sustainable neighborhoods.

The LEED® Green Building Rating System™ is a voluntary, consensus‐based rating system that provides third‐party verification that a building or community was designed and built to establish energy savings, water efficiency, location efficiency, improved indoor environmental quality, stewardship of resources, and sensitivity to their impacts.

What is a LEED Professional Credential?

LEED® credentials offer professionals a designation to help them stand out in the building industry. Currently, there are three main tiers of LEED professional credentials:

1- LEED Green Associate: GBCI has created the LEED Green Associate credential for professionals who want to demonstrate green building knowledge and expertise in non-technical fields of practice, to denote basic knowledge of green design, construction, and operations. LEED Green Associates have a proven, up-to-date understanding of green building principles and practices.

2- LEED Accredited Professional with Specialty: The LEED AP with specialty credential is created for professionals with advanced knowledge in green building practices and with specialization in a particular LEED rating system. The LEED AP credential is divided into different specialties and each credential is designed to show in-depth knowledge of a particular rating system. Below is the list of all LEED AP specialties:

a) LEED AP Building Design + Construction (LEED AP BD+C)

b) LEED AP Interior Design + Construction (LEED AP ID+C)

c) LEED AP Operations + Maintenance (LEED AP O+M)

d) LEED AP Neighborhood Development (LEED AP ND)

e) LEED AP Homes

3- LEED Fellow: According to USGBC, LEED Fellow designates the most exceptional professionals in the green building industry. Outstanding LEED APs who have demonstrated exceptional achievement in key mastery elements related to technical knowledge and skill are eligible to become LEED Fellows.

Where can I take my LEED exam?

The LEED credentialing exams are administered by Prometric testing centers throughout the world. And all the LEED credentialing exams are computer-based. Learn more by downloading the free guide here.

I don’t have any previous experience with Green Building concepts. Can I pass the LEED GA or LEED AP exam with your LEED study guides?

Our study tools are designed to make our students pass their LEED Green Associate and the LEED AP BD+C exams on their first-try no matter if they have previous LEED experience or not.

What are the eligibility requirements to take LEED AP BD+C exam?

All candidates must hold a LEED Green Associate credential in order to take the LEED AP BD+C exam.

The LEED AP BD+C exam can also be taken in one sitting combined with the LEED Green Associate exam. However, in this case, the exam will take four hours. Therefore, we strongly recommend candidates to take the LEED Green Associate exam in one day and take the LEED AP BD+C exam on the next day.

(3) PQP – Pearl Qualified Professional – FAQ

Whats is PQP?

Pearl Qualified Professional (PQP)

A Pearl Qualified Professional (PQP) is an integral member of a project team who facilitates the Pearl Rating System (PRS) throughout the development process. To benefit all development types, which encompasses Master Plans, Buildings, and Villas, a PQP will provide expert guidance from the planning concept design stage through to construction and implementation.

There are two types of PQP qualifications:

  • PQP Community – to lead Pearl Community Rating submissions.
  • PQP Building – to lead Pearl Building and Villa Rating submissions.

The PQP’s key responsibilities during Design are:

  • Understand the DPM planning process in relation to implementing the various PRS (Community, Building and Villa).
  • Coordinate meetings with the DPM and the project team and prepare Integrated Development Processes and Organisational Charts.
  • Assist and lead the design team to ensure appropriate Pearl Rating is targeted and sustainability principles are embedded into the design.
  • Provide expert advice on the Pearl Rating System credits and their application to projects.
  • Provide the administrative support required to collect, interpret and organize all supporting documentation.
  • Manage queries/follow up between the design team and Estidama, including the submitting of Credit Clarification Requests as appropriate.
  • Ensure technical quality control on documentation submitted for assessment, including calculations, drawings and specifications.
  • Lead the re-submission process following any review comments issued by Estidama.
  • Monitor the responsibilities of all PRS related commitments from the design stage to the construction.

The PQP’s key responsibilities during Construction are:

  • Understand the Estidama Construction Audit process in relation to implementing the various PRS (Community, Building, and Villa).
  • Coordinate meetings with the DPM and the construction team and ensure handover from Design PQP aligns with the Integrated Development Process. Update Integrated Development Processes and Organisational Charts as necessary.
  • Assist and lead the construction team to ensure appropriate Pearl Rating is targeted and sustainability principles are carried over to construction.
  • Provide the administrative support required to collect, interpret and organize all supporting documentation.
  • Manage queries/follow up between the construction team and Estidama, including the submitting of Credit Clarification Requests as appropriate.
  • Ensure technical quality control on documentation submitted for assessment, including calculations, drawings and specifications.
  • Lead the re-submission process following any review comments issued by Estidama.

The PQP’s key ongoing responsibilities are:

  • Record all correspondence between the Estidama team relating to Master Planning, Building, Villa and Community Rating submissions.
  • Check the DPM website for Information Bulletin releases and other updates.
  • Ensure appropriate conduct at all times as the responsible party for implementing the Estidama Pearl Rating Systems.

There are several benefits for an individual to become a PQP. The knowledge and experience that a PQP provides are highly sought after since a PQP is now required to prepare and submit a Pearl Rating application and to be the main point of contact between the project team and Urban Planning and/or Municipality.

Details on the examination process to become a PQP can be found here.

PQP Recognition

The DPM will support PQPs in communicating with their clients. Developers, consultants, and owners should not require PQPs to submit insufficient documentation.

PQP performance will be monitored by the DPM, including but not limited to, the following deficiencies:

  1. Repeated “incomplete” submissions (e.g. missing documentation, improperly re-formatted Submittal Templates, information missing from the cover sheet)
  2. Repeated submission of excessive, poorly labeled, or falsified documentation (including documentation intended for other projects)
  3. Repeated submission of inappropriate Credit Clarification Requests (e.g. questions that are process-related, not specific to a certain project, submitted after the Assessment review process has begun, or answerable from the website).

The DPM will inform PQPs of inadequate performance as it occurs. PQPs unable to demonstrate their technical and procedural understanding of the Pearl Rating Systems will have their status evaluated.

PQP Certificate Requests

Upon successfully passing the PQP Exam, all candidates that wish to request a PQP certificate must refer to PQP Certificate Request found here. This is inclusive of all relevant information regarding this service.

The PQP Exam provides the mechanism for a candidate to receive the PQP credential as required within the Pearl Rating System process for all buildings and communities. The PQP will be responsible for:

  • Understanding the credits of the Pearl Community and Building Rating Systems and their application to projects
  • Facilitating the certification process
  • Providing quality assurance to documents prior to submission to Estidama.

To register for the Exam, log on directly to www.prometric.com/UPC/default.htm